1st August 2019
1st Public Comment on review of MSPO Standards (60 days)
The MSPO Standards, MS2530:2013 series and the Supply Chain Certification Standard used under the MSPO Certification Scheme is a set of national standards that addresses sustainability and traceability requirements of the oil palm industry in Malaysia.
In line with the guiding principles of the Standard Setting and Review Procedure adopted by the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC), the MSPO Standards (MS2530:2013 series and Supply Chain Certification Standard) used under the MSPO certification scheme, is now due for systematic review. This is to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness in meeting the stated sustainability objectives of the Standards.
The MPOCC is tasked to undertake the review of the MSPO Standards, in close cooperation with the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia). The review is expected to be completed by end 2020.
We are pleased to announce the following standards which are now open for Public Comment:
Malaysian Sustainable Oil Palm (MSPO) Part 1: General Principles (MS 2530-1:2013)
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 2: General principles for independent smallholders (MS 2530-2: 2013)
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 3: General principles for oil palm plantations and organised smallholders (MS 2530-3: 2013)
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 4: General principles for palm oil mills (MS 2530-4:2013)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The attached standards and/or documents (MS2530:2013 – Part 1 to Part 4) in the website are subjected to copyright and only to be used for revision purpose. Please treat these documents as confidential and do not distribute them further without consent from Department of Standards Malaysia.
5. MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (MSPO SCCS)
We invite you to take part in this Public Comment which will last 60 days, from 1st August 2019 until and including 30th September 2019 (Malaysia Time: 5pm).
Kindly download the Review Feedback Form below and add your feedback directly on the Form. Please provide your feedback on technical aspects or any other matters related to implementation of the current MSPO Standards. For each Standard, please use a separate Form.
Please send your duly filled up Review Feedback Form to MSPO Standards Review (standards_review@mpocc.org.my) on or before 30th September 2019 (Malaysia Time: 5pm). Your feedback is highly appreciated.
We encourage you to share this announcement with anyone who is involved directly and indirectly with oil palm industry within Malaysia.