Supply chain certification standard (SCCS)
The MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) documents pertaining to the implementation arrangement of the scheme are listed here:
The MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS)
The MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) Guidance Document for Oleochemicals
The MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) Guidance Document
First TWC (MSPO) meeting was held on the 10th of July 2017. The appointment of the TWC (MSPO) are:
Chairperson - Mr. Steven Yow (POMA)
Vice Chairperson - Mr. Napolean Royal Ningkos (DOPPA) and Mr. Dominic Dambul (EMPA)
Proposal of the MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard was dated 10th of July 2017.
progress Flow Of SCCS
First TWC (MSPO) meeting was held on the 10th of July 2017. The appointment of the TWC (MSPO) are:
Chairperson - Mr. Steven Yow (POMA)
Vice Chairperson - Mr. Napolean Royal Ningkos (DOPPA) and Mr. Dominic Dambul (EMPA)
Proposal of the MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard was dated 10th of July 2017.
First meeting was held on the 21st of July 2017.
Second Meeting was held on the 4th of August 2017.
Finalisation of the MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) Draft 1 dated 4th of August 2017.
MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standards Draft 1
3. Public Comments (Draft 1)
In line with procedures of the MSPO standard development, the first 60-day Public Comment on the MSPO SCCS was conducted from the 29th of August to the 28th of October 2017.
Comments and proposals were received from eleven (11) organisations and individuals as follows:
1. TUV Nord (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
2. Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association (SOPPOA)
3. Dr. K. Ramadasan
4. Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bnd
5. Mr. Mohan Thavarajah (MSPO/ RSPO/ ISO Auditor/ Trainer/ Consultant)
6. James S H Ong (SGS)
7. Lee Joo Kien
8. WWF - Malaysia
9. Malaysian Biodiesel Association (MBA)
10. Malaysian Oleochemical Manufacturers Group (MOMG)
11. ExcelVite Sdn. Bhd.
First Public Comment Summary on MSPO SCCS Draft 1
4. EWG on MSPo sccs
The third meeting was held on the 23rd and 24th of November 2017.
The purpose was to discuss the 11 comments received from individuals and organisations.
Finalisation of Draft 2 presented to TWC (MSPO).
Third meeting was on the 19th of December 2017 to deliberate on the MSPO SCCS Draft 2.
MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) Draft 2
6. Pilot Audit
The MSPO SCCS Draft 2 dated 19th of December 2017 and the MSPO SCCS Guidance Document dated 18th of January 2018 was used for the pilot audit on 15 processing facilities in 3 regions of Malaysia from the 25th of January 2018 to 9th of March 2018.
Summary of the MSPO SCCS Pilot Audit
Fourth meeting was held on the 22nd of March 2018.
Finalised the MSPO SCCS Draft 3, MSPO SCCS Guidance Document and Guidance for Oleochemicals and It's Derivatives and presented to the TWC (MSPO).
MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) Draft 3
Fourth meeting on the 19th of April 2018.
The members endorsed the followings:
MSPO SCCS Guidance Document
Guidance for Oleochemicals and It's Derivatives under MSPO SCCS
Meeting was held on the 31st of July 2018.
The meeting endorsed the following documents:
MSPO SCCS Guidance Document
Guidance for Oleochemicals and It's Derivatives under MSPO SCCS
10. MPOCC Board of trustees (BOT)
The adoption of the MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) to be used under the MSPO Certification Scheme on the 9th of August 2018.
11. Launching of MSPO-SCCS
The establishment of MSPO-SCC Standard and its documents.
01st October 2018