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All Certification Bodies that are competent to carry out MSPO certification must first be accredited with the Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA), which is the national Accreditation Body (AB).  This is necessary to ensure that certification bodies that conduct audits under the MSPO Certification Scheme are competent to carry out credible and consistent audits.


The STANDARDS MALAYSIA accreditation system is based on an international accreditation system as outlined in MS ISO/IEC 17011 for the Accreditation of Certification Bodies (ACB) to ensure that the accreditation services provided are impartial, non-discriminatory, credible and satisfy the requirements of the MSPO Certification Scheme with regard to their knowledge and experience related to oil palm management certification or supply chain certification. 


To obtain accreditation, certification bodies have to comply with the requirements of ISO 17021-Conformity Assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management system or ISO 17065-Conformity Assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services.


Certification bodies accredited by DSM will have to be notified by MPOCC to become eligible to conduct independent compliance audits under the MSPO Certification Scheme.


Interested organisations intending to provide certification service under the MSPO Certification Scheme managed by MPOCC are invited to submit an application to STANDARDS MALAYSIA to be accredited.  For more information, please go to



Date: 27 August 2020

Version 2 Updated Circular (27 October 2020) Guidance on Remote Audits due to Covid-19 Pandemic Restrictions


This Version 2 guidance supersedes the Circular for the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme for ACBs dated 17 March 2020 and its Addendums. All Accredited Certification Bodies (ACBs) and non-Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) shall establish an internal standard operating procedure (SOP) for remote auditing with risk assessment to deal with certification activities during this Covid-19 pandemic. The SOP shall be available for inspection by Standards Malaysia (DSM) during accreditation assessments.

1. OPMC Audit for MS:2530 (2013) Series Standards.


1.1 All OPMC audits shall be determined based on the...

Date: 11 August 2020

The Issuance of ‘Rules for the use of MSPO Trace’ Document


MPOCC will publish a new scheme document titled ‘Rules for the use of MSPO Trace’. The requirements in the document is an extension of MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standards and will be adopted during the MSPO Standards Review process. In the meantime, it will be documented under MPOCC Scheme Document for immediate implementation in lieu of MSPO Trace readiness.


MPOCC will be having an online briefing of the said documents to all CBs for further comprehension and understanding on the 18th August 2020. MSPO SCCS audits shall only be carried out by accredited CBs (ACBs) under MSPO SCC. The online briefing will be carried out on 18 Aug 2020 and the document is available for download at MPOCC website under the Scheme Document tab where all scheme requirements must be adhered to.


The rules in this document shall be adhered to and failure to adhere will result in the issuance of non-conformity report by accredited certification bodies during audit.

Email (shoutout announcement) on the matter above has been sent out to our various stakeholders on 13th August 2020.


Date: 17 March 2020

Circular for the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme in lieu of Covid-19 Outbreak


Due to the current situation on the Covid-19 pandemic as announced by the WHO on Monday, 16th March 2020 and the Malaysian Government’s announcement on partial nationwide lockdown last night, with exception of essential services (ref. Laws of Malaysia, Act 177, First Schedule, Essential Services, Section 2.); which applies w.e.f. Wednesday, 18th March 2020 until 31st March 2020; MPOCC will be allowing the postponement of field audit activities up to 3 months to support government directives to mitigate the spread of the disease.

Please be guided by the following:

  1. All Accredited Certification Bodies (ACBs) and Certification Bodies (CBs) in the process of certification should establish an internal operating procedure with risk assessment to deal with certified entity that may be or is affected by Covid-19.

  2. Surveillance audits or the validity of certificate (recertification) may be extended to no more than 3 months.

  3. Further guidance will be provided by MPOCC based on government directives on the Covid-19 outbreak related travel restrictions before the 3 months period comes to an end.

  4. When travel restrictions are lifted, audits shall be conducted as per ISO 17021 requirements and other applicable procedures.

  5. For recertification audit, the certificate shall be suspended if the audit did not take place within 2 months once the travel restrictions have been lifted.

  6. Oil Palm Management Certification (OPMC)
    - No remote audit is allowed.


  7. Supply Chain Certification (SCCS)

      - Remote auditing techniques utilising ICT tools (ref. IAF MD 4 & ISO 17021) may be used and is allowed under the following conditions:

      a) If it is not an initial or recertification audit;
      b)There is no significant risk i.e. certified procured raw materials, no non-conformity in previous audit or corrective action can clearly be verified           via other auditing techniques;

      c)There is no physical possession. 


   8. Kindly inform MPOCC within 3 working days on any changes affecting any certificates.

Addendum To Circular for the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme in lieu of Covid-19 Outbreak

In reference to the circular issued on the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme in lieu of Covid-19 Outbreak dated 17 March 2020, MPOCC will be allowing the postponement of field audit activities up to 3 months to support government directives to mitigate the spread of the disease.

  1. The Circular cover audits that should be carried out during the Movement Control Order and/or affected by travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

  2. In reference to Point No.2 Surveillance audits or the validity of certificate (recertification) may be extended to no more than 3 months, the Circular applies to cover Stage 2 audits as well.



Date: 01 April 2020


With reference to the extension of the MCO and related travel restriction matter by the Government of Malaysia, a Circular has been issued to cover audits that should be carried out during the Movement Control Order and its extension and/or are affected by travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

  1. MPOCC will be extending Point No.2 of the Circular and Point No.2 of the Addendum dated 1 April 2020 to cover: stage 2 audits, surveillance audits or recertification audits of which the validity of certificate falls between March – May 2020; shall be extended from 3 months to 6 months. Subsequent to the above, remote audits shall be conducted within this period for certified entities which operate businesses as usual.

   2. For certified entities for which audits have to be conducted from June 2020 onwards can choose to be audited via remote audit (OPMC &                 SCCS) followed up by field audit (for OPMC only). In referring to Point No. 7 of this Addendum, the complete audit must be concluded before           the end date of 30 November 2020.

   3. Where remote audit is conducted, the ACB shall carry out the field audit for OPMC within 3 months from the date of the remote audit.


      The ACB is required to counter verify the remote audit findings during the field audit and the final report shall capture the accuracy or deviation         of the compliance to ensure that there is no gap in implementation of the MSPO Standard requirements.

  4. MPOCC has developed a guidance OPMC checklist on ‘Remote Audit Allocation’ which shall be referred to for both remote and field audit. The        checklist is downloadable at the link,


  5. In reference to Point 7 of the Circular, remote audit shall also applies to all Supply Chain Certification audits. Remote auditing techniques                  utilising ICT tools (ref. IAF MD 4 & ISO 17021) is allowed and the following previously stated conditions in Point 7 are revoked:


  • If it is not an initial or recertification audit;

  • There is no significant risk i.e. certified procured raw materials, no non-conformity in previous audit or corrective action can clearly be verified via other auditing techniques;

  • There is no physical possession. 


  6. As usual, ACBs should upload the complete MSPO audit report with findings during both the remote and field audits to MSPO Trace; indicating        which were audited remotely, the date(s) of the remote portion of the audit, the auditor(s) who conducted the remote audit, and the methods            used. ACBs shall also clearly specify and justify where required if there is deviation from the norm.   

  7. MPOCC will only allow this combined method of audit i.e. remote (OPMC & SCCS) with field (OPMC) audit up to 30 November 2020.                        Thereafter auditing shall be resumed as per ISO 17021 requirements and other applicable procedures.

  8. For certified entities which are currently not operating as usual or have limited infrastructure for facilitation of remote audits, ACBs are to                   assess the risk for continuing certification and understand the certified organization’s current and expected future situation.


      The ACB should gather the necessary information from the certified organization before deciding on an appropriate course of action e.g. to               further defer audits, or to apply suspension or reduction of scope). The information collected by the ACB should include the following as                   appropriate (as adapted and modified from IAF ID3):

      • When will the organization be able to function normally?

      • When will the organization be able to perform the service or supply certified products defined within the current scope of certification?

      • Will the organization need to use alternative production and/or manufacturing / processing sites? If so, are these currently covered under the            current certification or will they need to be evaluated?

      • Does existing production / processing still meet customer specifications or will the certified organization contact its customers regarding                    possible concessions?

      • Will some of the processes and/or services performed or products be subcontracted to other organizations? If so, how will the other                          organizations’ activities be controlled by the certified organization?

      • To what extent has the operation of the management system been affected?

      • Has the certified organization conducted an impact assessment?

      • Identification of alternative sampling sites, as appropriate


      In the event that an audit cannot be carried out for this category, the ACB is required to advise MPOCC on their status and constraint. MPOCC        may then categorise the certified entity as inactive, which means that it is not operating as usual and will not be allowed to sell MSPO certified        products or place a claim on their product.


      For the above situation, the audits that should be carried out or delayed will be permitted up to 3 months once the certified entities resumes              normal operations or until 30 November 2020 whichever that is later.

   9. Additional guidance (as adapted and modified from IAF ID3).


      a) Recertification Audits

      Normally the recertification audit must be completed and the recertification decision made prior to the expiry date to avoid los s of certification          (ISO/IEC 17021).


      However, providing that sufficient evidence has been collected as above, to provide confidence that the certified management system is                    effective, consideration may be given to extend the certification for a period not normally exceeding 6 month beyond the original expiry date.

      The recertification shall be carried out within this permissible extended period.

      Otherwise, a new initial audit should be performed. The expiry date of the renewed certification should be based on the original recertification          cycle. Thus, the 1st annual surveillance shall be conducted within the 1st annual surveillance of the expiry date to harmonize the 5 years’ time          frame into the cycle of the certificate issued.

Date: 27 April 2020


Date: 1 October 2019 [as extracted from Circular for the Scheme for the Accreditation of Certification Bodies

          (The ACB Scheme) under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme].

          23 October 2019 [adoption of circular into MPOCC MSPO Certification Scheme Document (MSPOCS01)]  


The documents as mentioned has been emailed out to related stakeholders on the respective date as stated above.  




Notice on Engaging Certification Bodies Not Listed on MPOCC’s Website 


All Certification Bodies (CBs) that are competent to carry out MSPO certification must first be accredited with the Department of Standard Malaysia (DSM), which is the national Accreditation Body (AB) to be recognised as Accredited Certification Bodies (ACBs). This is necessary to ensure that all CBs that conduct audits under the MSPO Certification Scheme are competent to carry out credible and consistent audits as ACBs.

Under the MSPO Certification Scheme, MPOCC shall only recognize ACBs or CBs undergoing DSM’s accreditation process i.e. applicant CBs as listed on MPOCC’s website. (As per email shoutout announcement sent out on 28th May & 13th June 2019).

Non accredited CBs which are still undergoing accreditation process may be listed on MPOCC’s website on a goodwill basis, for a duration of 6 months; only from the date of acceptance of application for accreditation by DSM.

During the 12 months application for accreditation period, the applicant CB is allowed to issue a maximum of only four (4) non-accredited certificates for MS 2530. The combination of these four (4) non-accredited certificates shall consist of all the MS2530 standard series comprising Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. 


For MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard, applicant CBs must be accredited to carry out MS 2530: Part 4 and are allowed to issue a maximum of only (3) non-accredited certificates. 

MPOCC will not be held responsible for non-accredited certificates issued by non-accredited and applicant CBs. 

MPOCC will not publicly report the certified areas and certified volumes by non-accredited or applicant CBs until they obtain accreditation and can then issue accredited certificates to its clients. It is the respective CBs’ responsibility to inform its client on this matter.









To support Standards Malaysia's accreditation schemes, the Government offers tax incentives in the form of tax deductions. The tax deduction is applicable for all programmes operated by Standards Malaysia under its various accreditation schemes.


For certified entity that have chosen a certification body that is no longer listed under 'Accredited Certification Bodies' or 'Other Certification Bodies' which undergoing accreditation process, kindly select an accredited CB for the next upcoming audit i.e initial, recertification or surveillance audit.


Meanwhile, certified entity that previously engaged a CB that has yet to be accredited, you may select an accredited CB for the next upcoming audit i.e initial, recertification or surveillance audit.


For more information on the above, kindly visit





Email (shoutout announcement) on the matter below has been sent out to our various stakeholders on :-

1. 28th May 2019

2. 13th June 2019





Date: 15 May 2019

To support Standards Malaysia's accreditation schemes, the Government offers tax incentives in the form of tax deductions. The tax deduction is applicable for all programmes operated by Standards Malaysia under its various accreditation schemes.

As quoted from Department of Standards Malaysia website and reproduced below:

  • ‘Under paragraph 34(6)(ma), Income Tax Act 1967, companies are entitled to claim double deduction for expenditure incurred for the purposes of obtaining certification for recognised quality systems and standards from a certification body as determined by the Minister of Finance. They are also responsible in maintaining copies of accredited certificates and copies of payment receipts of the costs imposed by the Standards Malaysia accredited Certification Body (CB) in obtaining certification for their system.’

For certified entity that have chosen a certification body that is no longer listed under 'Accredited Certification Bodies' or 'Other Certification Bodies' which undergoing accreditation process, kindly select an accredited CB for the next upcoming audit i.e initial, recertification or surveillance audit.

Meanwhile, certified entity that previously engaged a CB that has yet to be accredited, you may select an accredited CB for the next upcoming audit i.e initial, recertification or surveillance audit.

Please find updated list of CBs at

Any complaints or grievances dealing with Certification Body shall be lodged to Department of Standards Malaysia,



















Date: 26 November 2018

With reference to the announcement made on 8th September 2017 that exemption of MSPO Stage 1 Audit can be considered by the Certification Body (CB) for clients having other internationally recognised sustainability schemes [e.g. RSPO, RSB and ISCC], the CB shall ensure that there are procedures in place to allow such exemption. The exemption is allowed until 31 December 2018 in conjunction with the mandatory timeline given for entities with other recognised sustainability schemes.


Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia) as an Accreditation Body is required to adhere to the International Standard (FDIS) ISO/IEC 17011:2017 – Conformity Assessment – Requirements for Accreditation Bodies Accrediting Conformity Assessment Bodies whereby Clause 4.6.2 states that “The accreditation body shall ensure that any guidance, application or normative documents it uses have been developed by committee or persons possessing the necessary competence and with participation of appropriate interested parties. These documents shall not contradict or exclude any of the requirements included in the relevant international standard and/or other normative documents.”


As a signatory to regional and international mutual recognition arrangements, Standards Malaysia needs to comply with internationally recognised standards. Sustainable schemes such as RSPO, RSB and ISCC are not recognised by Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) and International Accreditation Forum (IAF) of which Standards Malaysia is a signatory to.


With the above, certification bodies audited by Standards Malaysia under ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 – Conformity Assessment – Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Management Systems requires CB to adhere to Clause which clearly states that an initial certification shall include a two-stage audit, Stage 1 and Stage 2. Additionally, CB shall comply with the requirements stipulated in the Accreditation of Certification Bodies - Oil Palm Management Certification (ACB-OPMC) published by Standards Malaysia.


For further information on the above, kindly contact:

Department of Standards Malaysia (Accreditation Division)

Tel: +603-8318 0002



Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC)

Tel: +603 2181 0192



Date: 8 September 2017


The Accreditation Programme under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme, Requirements for the Accreditation of Certification Bodies Operating Oil Palm Management Certification under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme, was launched on 1 June 2016 by the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia), which is the national accreditation body.  All Certification Bodies (CBs) that are competent to carry out audits for MSPO certification must obtain accreditation from Standards Malaysia under this programme. This is necessary to ensure that CBs conducting audits under the MSPO Certification Scheme are competent to carry out credible and consistent audits.


To further strengthen the Accreditation of Certification Bodies (ACB) under the MSPO Scheme, a new set of ACB documents has been published by Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia) on 1 August 2017.  The new set of ACB documents, called ACB-OPMC series replaces and cancels the ACB-MSPO (Issue 1, 8 December 2015) that was launched on 1 June 2016.  The latest ACB-OPMC series available at Standards Malaysia website: are as below:


  1. ACB-OPMC 1: Competency Requirements for Certification Bodies Operating Oil Palm Management Certification Under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme

  2. ACB-OPMC 2: Audit Duration for Certification Bodies Operating Oil Palm Management Certification Under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme

  3. ACB-OPMC 3: Peer Review Process Requirements for Certification Bodies Operating Oil Palm Management Certification Under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme

  4. ACB-OPMC 4: Stakeholder Consultation Requirements for Certification Bodies Operating Oil Palm Management Certification Under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme


In addition to the above, up until 31 December 2018, exemption of MSPO Stage 1 Audit can be considered by the Certification Body for clients having other internationally recognised sustainability schemes, e.g. RSPO, RSB and ISCC. However, the CB shall ensure that there are procedures in place to allow such exemption.

Latest Update as of 16 July 2019: 

Transfer of non accredited certificate to accredited CB

(IAF MD 2:2017) is not allowed starting 1 Jan 2019 with reference to the announcement dated 26 November 2018. 

Latest Update as of 17 April 2020:

Certification bodies not listed on MPOCC’s website shall not be engaged unless the CB’s status is checked with and backed by proper documents from MPOCC and DSM. 

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