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stories from the field


MSPO Stories From the Field

Our work in implementing the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil certification standard across Malaysia has been admittedly, too technical. Yet in our many visits to farms and plantations on the ground, we have met some wonderful people and witnessed some incredible impacts of the MSPO scheme which deserves to be shared.

These stories provide a wider look at the many facets of Malaysian palm oil from the farmers and their tales to events inspired by the MSPO. As our journey towards the certification of all palm oil operations in Malaysia under the MSPO scheme continues, we hope you find these stories as inspiring as we do.


New survey in Sabah to protect wildlife habitats

A new survey on orangutan and elephants in Sabah was announced in March 2019. The Chief Minister of Sabah, Shafie Apdal, launched the project with the Federal Minister of Primary Industries, Teresa Kok in attendance.

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One Man’s Mission to Bring Regenerative Agriculture to Sarawak

Ugak Sanggau is on a mission to bring regenerative agriculture to Sarawak. His efforts are producing doubled benefits in saving the local environment and enriching local farmers at the same time.

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Indigenous oil palm farmers in Sarawak

The Dayaks represent one of the most interesting contributors to the Malaysian palm oil supply. They are also one of the most visible groups that represent small palm oil farmers. Data from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board which regulates all smallholders in Malaysia show that there are some 28,000 indigenous families in Sarawak that are active palm oil farmers. Read the whole story 

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Certification for confidence in biofuels

There is undoubtedly an urgency to stabilize emissions and move quickly towards reduced emissions if we are to reduce the catastrophic consequences of climate change. Renewable energy is clearly needed in the transition from dirty energy to clean energy but as this report from Stanford University shows, it will take an enormous effort and strong commitments from industrialized countries to break away from the cheap but toxic convenience of fossil fuels. Read the whole story 

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Visiting a Traditional Farming Village in Selangor

Tucked away behind a stretch of industrial and commercial areas, just off a major highway, lies a small village that is a living testimony to the early days of development in Malaysia.

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Attention to Details Key to Sawit Kinabalu’s Success

Of all the things we took away from a lengthy meeting with Sawit Kinabalu, one statement stood out.

“Waste into wealth.”

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Co-existing with Elephants.

The Sabah Softwoods Experience

Human-elephant conflicts have been widely reported in Sabah this year. An estimated two thousand Pygmy elephants roam the landscape in Sabah and have been known to wander into areas with human activities which is when human-elephants conflicts arise.
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Communities An Integral Part of Conservation in Sarawak.

Sarawak state at 12.4 million hectares is one of the biggest states in Malaysia. The state government has allocated 3 million hectares for agriculture which includes a plan to increase its oil palm areas to 2 million hectares with the rest being allocated to different agricultural products.
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