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Briefing to MPOA Johor Branch


MPOCC was invited to brief the Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA) Johor Branch on "Sustainable and Certified Palm Oil under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO): An Overview". The briefing was held after their Annual General Meeting on 9 March 2017 at the Mutiara Hotel, Johor Bharu, which was attended by 28 members. The members were informed about the need for palm oil certification, the establishment of MPOCC and the implementation of the MSPO Certification Scheme and its progress so far. The members were also informed about the proposed mandatory MSPO certification and implementation timelines.

MPOCC would like to take the opportunity to thank MPOA Johor Branch for the invitation and opportunity to brief its members on the MSPO Certification Scheme. MPOCC looks forward to working closely with MPOA Johor Branch in further implementing MSPO Certification amongst its members and getting more areas and mills MSPO Certified.

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