MPOCC and the Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association (SOPPOA) will be co-organising a series of 3 Technical Workshops on MSPO Certification Scheme for Estates and Plantations in Sarawak. The workshops will be held on 23rd April 2018 in Miri, 25th April 2018 in Sibu and on 27th April, in Kuching. During the workshops, the participants will learn from SOPPOA members that have obtained MSPO Certification, specifically with regard to “Safety & Health”, “Biodiversity & Environment Components”, “Legality Requirements”, and “Social Components” of the MSPO Standards requirement. MPOCC and MPOB shall share on the “MSPO Standard requirement and incentives” and Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) for palm cultivation”
As of March 2018, the total planted area that has been certified under the MSPO Certification Scheme is 802,623.56 ha. The certified area includes 792,274.03 ha under plantation companies, 19,110.12 ha under organised smallholders, and 10,349.53 ha under independent smallholders. In addition, a total of 78 palm oil mills have also been MSPO-certified.
Please contact MPOCC for more information on the implementation of the MSPO Certification at or your nearest MPOB TUNAS office at for more information on support for smallholder and incentives for MSPO Certification.