Standards review
The MSPO Standards, MS2530:2013 series and the Supply Chain Certification Standard used under the MSPO Certification Scheme is a set of national standards that addresses sustainability and traceability requirements of the oil palm industry in Malaysia.
In line with the guiding principles of the Standard Setting and Review Procedure adopted by the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC), the MSPO Standards (MS2530:2013 series and Supply Chain Certification Standard) used under the MSPO certification scheme, is now due for systematic review. This is to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness in meeting the stated sustainability objectives of the Standards.
The MPOCC is tasked to undertake the review of the MSPO Standards, in close cooperation with the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia). The review is expected to be completed by end 2020.
We invite you to take part in the 1st Public Comment on the review of MSPO Standards which will last 60 days, from 1st August 2019 until and including 30th September 2019 (Malaysia Time: 5pm). To find out more information on this public comment, please click here.
We encourage you to share this announcement with anyone who is involved directly and indirectly with oil palm industry within Malaysia.
Please do contact MSPO Standards Review ( should you have any inquiries.
Gantt Chart - Review of MSPO Standards (Dated: July 2019)
Updated : 6th September 2019
MPOCC would like to call for nominations of representatives for MS2530:2013 revision working groups.
Nominations for representatives is now open (Malaysian only) until 1st July 2019 for the followings:
Working Group for MS2530: Part 2 "General principles for independent smallholders"
Working Group for MS2530: Part 3; "General principles for oil palm plantations and organised smallholders" and
Working Group for MS2530: Part 4 "General principles for palm oil mills" and Supply Chain Standard
Please download and submit the filled out nomination form (attachment below) to or
fax to 03 – 2181 0167 (attn. Ms. Eileen Chiang).
Updated : 11th June 2019
Following discussions held between Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI), Standards Malaysia, MPOCC and SIRIM STS from 2017 to 2018, decisions were made as follows:
Standards Malaysia to establish a new Industry Standards Committee (ISC) on oil palm
MPOCC will continue with the revision of MSPO Standards
Any Malaysian Standards (MS) related to oil palm and its products shall be transferred to the new ISC
2. A new Industry Standards Committee on Oil Palm and its Products (ISC X) was established on 13 September 2018 and the first meeting of ISC X was held on 13 December 2018. At this meeting, the following decisions were made:
The scope of ISC X
The current Technical Working Committee [TWC(MSPO)] to become Technical Committee on MSPO (TC MSPO) under ISC X
MPOCC to continue with the revision of MS2530:2013 (Part 1-4) until the Draft Malaysian Standards (DMS) is submitted to ISC X for acceptance
Translation of MS2530:2013 (Part 1-4) to Bahasa Malaysia.
3. With effect from 1 January 2019, ISC X was changed to National Standards Committee on Oil Palm and Its Products (NSC X).
4. To kick start the standards review process, the 6th TWC(MSPO) meeting was held on 10 April 2019. Among others, the meeting discussed:
Progress updates on MSPO certification
Revision of the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) TC MSPO
Formation of Working Groups for MS2530:2013 revision
Updated : 27th May 2019
MPOCC invites Tenders by interested companies or individual to submit proposal/quotation for the Review of MSPO Standards.
The Terms of Reference (ToR) can be downloaded from the attachment below. All interested parties are to submit a full proposal containing:
Background to the company or individual
Activities and methodology
Description of relevant experience and expertise
CVs of proposed facilitators/team
Financial proposal, separating professional fees and expected costs
Kindly send in your proposal and quotation together with curriculum vitae/company profile before or by 22nd November 2018, to Mr Chong Wei Kwang at
For any clarification questions, please forward it to Mr Chong Wei Kwang.
Please download the ToR below:
Updated : 30th October 2018
In line with the guiding principles of the Standard Setting and Review Procedure adopted by MPOCC and to consider the current sustainability issues facing the oil palm industry, the MS2530: 2013 Standards which have been in use since 2015 is now due for systematic review.
MPOCC as the MSPO scheme owner and operator has been directed by the National Steering Committee on MSPO to implement the processes to review the Standards with the aim to finalise the revised Standards by 2020.
Any changes to the Standards must be through recommendation made to the Technical Working Committee on MSPO standardsand endorsed by the National Steering Committee on MSPO.
Should you have feedback or queries, please send it to
The Standards Review documents are listed below:
Terms of Reference for the Technical Working Committee (TWC) on MSPO dated 21-08-2017